Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Catching Up

week 4
Friday: Staff day, Parents drove in for the weekend --
Saturday: Shopping in Pigeon Forge/aquarium --
Sunday: Shopped all day, visited Aprils family til 10pm --
Monday: exhausted from weekend/ Another staff day ;( --
Tuesday: Summative Evaluation, --
Wednesday: --
Thursday: 3 miles at steady pace, knees a little wierd again

week 5
Friday: 5 miles (6.0), felt good to get back into running
Saturday: Off
Sunday: 3 miles in the morning, saw a guy who needed the tread more than me, so i stopped.
Monday: 6 miles, (6.0/6.5/7.0) felt awesome, same guy stared at me last 2 miles, so i stopped early.
Tuesday: 2 miles (6.5/7.0 mph)
Wednesday: 6 miles along road, huge hill, steady pace. developed blister

I really need to keep this updated. Being at school all day really takes the life out me for things like this. I am planning on running 10 miles tommorow. Judging from Monday's easy 6, I think it's about time I upped the mileage. Also I have been running on the treadmill a lot. That is because I eat lunch at 10am, then by the time i get home (the perfect time to run) I am exhausted and starving. So it's at least 5 before my wife and I eat, then an hour to digest, and now dark. I don't like running in the dark. I have nothing against it, but it just feels wierd. I also like to have April come with me to work out in the fitness center, which is a big reason I wait to work out.

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