Unfortunately it was stormy today. It wouldn't have really mattered though, once April got home we had dinner and fell asleep watching a movie.
So coming up with an alternate workout that is equivalent to running is a task in itself. That's what I hate about schedules. One thing goes wrong and it can really throw you off course. So I guess I'll try running in the morning tommorow, and that should leave enough recovery time for friday night? Sounds okay to me. As for nights I'm unable to run I think maybe just doing squats and other muscle building exercises should suffice. I read back through my old stuff, and read my calves were underdeveloped, so that is something I can be working on.
Ok so I was going to post this the other day, but I forgot. It is from Galloway. He says it's not scientific, but he has gathered the information from other runners and his own experiences.
Adjusting Race Pace for Heat:
temp.....slower %......8 min/mile pace becomes
above 85 forget it run for fun
Again, this is for racing only. It doesn't necessarily pertain to training. What it does provide is a rough guide for pacing yourself on those hot days. For instance one day I ran in 93 degree weather, but tried to run a pace that I set at 78 degree weather. Thats about a 10% difference in pace. So instead of staying on regular pace, I should have cut at least 30 seconds off to stay at "normal" pace. Anyway I have all this stuff in my head, and because of that I forget to post it. So there ya go.
Wednesday 0 miles. Wall sits, calf raises.
2 years ago
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