Friday, March 30, 2007

Spring BREAK

yeap. Spring broke my running to pieces. Man that was a long week. I think I got a few days of running amidst buying a house, getting new kicks, clothes, an ipod, and visiting the mountains. whew. Well I am not even sure what happened the whole time. I think I ran maybe three days over the entire break. The first few days I was just recovering from school. So much stress, I wasn't feeling very good. About mid-way through I finally started getting things done and being alive, opposite of my zombie like state after school days. If it weren't for running I would just be a lump on a log all night. This week seemed to fly by as well.

I have been trying to blog, but i get something down and have to leave or go do something else. Most of that was due to the house buying. We had to drive and look everywhere, which was exhausting and really didn't allow time at night to go run due to all the "hurry up lets go now" runs. But I still managed to get maybe 10 miles in last week. This week was a little more productive with a 5-0-4-5-0.

I have to say I am somewhat happy with my work over the past few months, at least I have a small base built up. I think I am going to continue building the base for at least another month before I start hill and speed work. My knees are so much better than when I started, I never have soreness in them, running or afterward. That is encouraging because I'm not worried about injuring them anymore. My blisters have also subsided, partly due to breaking in my new shoes, which i just ordered another pair of.

I also got my ipod and that should help me with tracking my mileage so I can go for runs without having to think about how far I've went and where I need to run to. I plan on running a course, recording the measurement, then I can run it again without my ipod. (i'm not too into running with music yet)

The new house is nice, but I will have to find new places to run. I will no longer be .8 miles from a track, but there is a huge hill behind it that has a road leading up to more houses.

If i can figure out how, I'll post some pics of the shoes and socks I am using. This Sunday is the big race. I am excited to see what my time is going to be, if someone good is reading this all I have to say is try not to laugh when i post it :)

spring break

tues-4.5 miles at night, beautiful
wed-5 on tread. fast pace for me, sweated to death.

sun- half marathon

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