Thursday, April 1, 2010


It's April, and yikes only a few weeks till my next race! Luckily it's just a one miler and there is no pressure to do anything special. I just like the race and want to run it again this year. It also helps me kick it up a gear for the Expo in May, kind of like early speed training although the speed is questionable since I haven't done any since last year.

I've decided to do two workouts a week, one hill and one speed starting as soon as possible (another way to say when my legs are fully recovered from the marathon). The reason is that I pretty much have hills down, but I need a little bit more to build for the 10k distance where leg strength is key. The speed workouts aren't really going to be all that fast, it will be less about fitness and more geared toward coordination. Basically low amount of reps, longer recovery and at lower intensity than I normally would do a speed workout. After the mile race I'll start adding more repeats and focus more on the fitness side and therefore possibly drop the hills depending on how this next month goes. I guess that's the nice thing about understanding training, I can improvise and manipulate my workouts without having to rely on a plan.

Just a little hood loop today and I took it super easy. My legs still weren't recovered yesterday when i ran all the hills, so today they were really heavy and still just a bit sore so I only ran 3 miles or so. It was a good run, 78 degrees actually didn't feel too bad. The mowers were out and all the trees have blossomed, bye bye winter hello heat and humidity. I didn't really feel like I got a workout in today cardio wise so I might do some core or something, I really need to start supplementing running when I can, the pool should be open soon so that will be nice.

Last note is that April will be induced on Wednesday if she hasn't had the baby by then. Veronica is on her way!

bf 2458

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