Friday, February 8, 2008

you never know

Yesterday I had the pain at the top of my shoelaces. It was pretty painful. Today it was there again. But this time it was accompanied by tight tendons by my hamstring. Yeah, it's those ones that connect to the bottom of the knee. Tight tight tight all day. I tried stretching softly, but that didn't help at all. It either happened from having my shoe too loose yesterday, or maybe I overstretched. I don't think it was the stretching as I do the same one's everyday for at the last 2 months. Still, you never know. I am almost sure that is from the loose shoe. I think I overcompensated the entire run and ended up overstressing the tendons. All the same I went for my run today. Although I thought I held back a lot, my ipod told me I ran a 7:08 or something crazy minutes/mile. Yeah, I don't think that's right, but it hasn't really been off before so go figure. The tendons were fine the whole run, but toward the end they got tight. I had planned another 10, which would have made 4 straight days of double digits, but alas I cut two of them off before I even headed outside.

Not much else to report other than the tendon thing. Tomorrow should be a better indicator of the seriousness. Even if I didn't run slow, it still FELT easy, and that is all that really matters to me. Maybe a rest day is in store again, but I really doubt it. I think I'll go out and just see what happens like I did today.

8(8.71)miles. 50 degrees shorts and t. Zoom 66

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