Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Today was a beautiful day to run. Sunny and not too windy. My hams are tight from yesterday, but that wasn't the bad part about today. The bad part was my left quad, which has been having numb symptoms, went totally numb to the point of extreme stinging pain for a good 30 minutes at the end of the run. I'm not sure what is causing this. The good part is that it doesn't prevent me from running, but does suck to have something hurt by being numb? Kind of a contradiction I know. The only way I can describe is to lay on your leg for about 20 minutes then get up and walk around. You feel that tingly burning sensation - yeah now imagine running with that in your quad. Not fun.

Sorry to complain but that's what runners do right? Haha, it really was a great run despite the pain, and it was actually pretty fast too. I'm excited for the marathon. I know it's gonna be a hundred times harder than I can expect, but still I think I will do okay. I'm just hoping I haven't set my expectations way too high as far as running sub 3 hours. It is my first marathon after all and I'm not ignorant as to how hard it is to achieve such a time. Many people out there work just as hard and probably harder than I do at training, and still haven't achieved what I hope to accomplish. I have the will to do it, but I can't speak for my body :)

5:45pm. home. 68?? degrees 8mph wind 40%?? humidity. (warm)
1:26:14, (13.01) gm 949

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