Sunday, December 28, 2008


I decided that today I would go to the soccer complex to run. I have been getting bored and dreading going to middlebrook. It's a long stretch and that is all and well, but even so it's nice to have a change. So I went to the one mile course. I really didn't think too much about the run today. I just knew I wanted to go for at least 2 hours 8 minutes as that is sort of my minimum.

I'll be honest, I haven't really felt motivated to run lately. I've had a few bad runs and this week hasn't been very motivating with Christmas and all that. I think it's just more that I run the same routes ALL the time maybe? There's also the fact that art is coming back to my life in a big way. I used to devote hours to it, and it's a big part of how I became so lazy and sedentary. Now that it's back I still feel like exercising, but I also want to just sit and do artwork all day long and stay up late and do artwork. Then when I go to sleep I find I'm just laying in there bed thinking about what kind of website things I need to do or what caricature I want to work on next.

So yeah, it's been difficult to juggle the priorities this week. Today's run was good though. If you can a mile over and over again for over 2 hours, heck that's just about as bad as a treadmill. But I didn't notice. It felt good to run today. The weather was a gorgeous 50 degrees with just a bit of wind. It seems lately it's either been raining, insanely windy, or cold and dreary and in the instance of yesterday, overly warm. So a nice sunny day was a welcome change. I'm feeling pretty motivated again as it's the start of a new week and I'll be back to business as usual with little to change my routine. I am driving up to Ohio for New Years with my family on Wednesday so that will be a slight kink in the chain, but I feel good about running again so it shouldn't pose much of a threat to the motivation train.

I guess that's all for today. Tomorrow I'd like to do two eight milers, then Tuesday will be hills. So hopefully I can get up and at em and start tallying up this weeks mileage. Two notes. One was I took a cliff shot thing after my run. I normally end up eating later so I thought replacing some nutrients would help with my recovery. We'll see how that works out. The second thing was that I got new headphones for Christmas (among other awesome running things) and they work great. They are the Nike Vapor. While my head movement is slightly restricted, I can still look left and right, which is vital on the roads I run. They have clips which hold them in your ears. The sound is pretty good. They don't fit quite as good as the earbuds, but they don't shift so the tradeoff is worth it.

3:10 pm. soccer complex. 50 degrees sunny.
2:16:48, bf 944

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