Wednesday, November 26, 2008


update in a min, fingers to frozen to tipe.

Alright, all is good now. Food in the belly and showered. Today was a kind of madness sort of day. Work was kind of insane, with three different jobs needing to be mailed out, and us not knowing that two of them hadn't even really been worked on till after lunch. Lunch was nice by the way. The bosses had it catered. There was meatloaf and colored greens and cheesy potatoes and all the good desserts. I didn't over eat, although I probably should have judging by how hungry I was at the end of this run, my stomach was growling so loud I felt my calves jiggle.

So we finally get off work and get home. I make my way to the park with my shorts and t-shirt covered by a longsleeve, as well as my trusty headband which I love. Just getting into the car is no fun. I'm not Donald Trump, and cannot afford self-warming seats, so I have to just shiver a bit as I drive the one or two miles down to the park. Getting out I make sure I have my keys and then it's time to take a few steps and click the old center button on the ipod. And the first few steps are normally the worst. The wind starts zapping into the exposed legs and for a second I wonder why in the heck I don't have something better. Then I make it into the grassy area and before I know it I totally don't notice I have shorts on and I'm just running.

Today I listened to Steve, over at I enjoy his podcasts and you can download them through itunes or from his website. He's a great person. I don't know him, but in a way I really do. Podcasts are funny that way in that even though he's never met me, and likely never will, I know him. I know his personality, his likes, dislikes, and his opinions on a variety of topics such as wine, youthful exploits, and of course his philosophy on running. Today's episode was an older one, but it was about CPR. He gave some really good info. I'm always impressed with the quality of his cast, and if you ever have some spare time you should totally check it out.

So by the time that was over I only had five minutes or so left to go. The foot, by the way, was much better today. Definitely some healing going on, although it's still tender and probably needs more rest than I'm going to accommodate to it. It was very minimal, and only by mile 8 or so did I significantly notice any pain. Breathing wise the run was good. I can definitely tell I've lost a touch of fitness from the days off. On the same token I feel like if I didn't have this nagging ankle/foot pain that I could go much farther than what I am.

So things are looking good. I'm glad I can run. I also have found the BLESSING I've been looking for. Since I've been taking "rest" days, I've made more time to do calf raises, sittups, pushups, leglifts, and other various exercises. I have done that for 3 days straight, and without the injury I don't think that would have happened. I'm kind of glad it happened as I had been neglecting those areas and I said I was going to work on them. So thank you injury for giving me that opportunity.

5:45 pm. ball camp. 40 degrees
1:15:03, gm 558

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thought you'd get a kick out of this Ron.