Sunday, December 9, 2007

tough long run

What a day. It was totally raining this morning with huge thunderstorms and rain. I was very disappointed. Weather guy once again I spite you. It did end up being 65 and sunny, but not till 5 pm, the exact opposite of what it was supposed to be today. At noon the rain was still going. I went online to check treadmills. They lowered the price another 50 dollars. Sold! Here is my reasoning. I hate being a slave to the weather. I don't mind cold, wind, or heat, those things are all well and good. But when it comes to rain it just isn't a possibility and I have heard of plenty of runners cracking their heads on ice or obstacles they couldn't see.

Unfortunately today was a long run and the weather said rain tomorrow, but honestly that could mean bright clear awesome weather. Now I'm not a slave to schedules, but i like to be able to do what I have planned to do. Having a treadmill will allow that to happen despite the conditions. So I now have one. It isn't the nicest one and still wasn't cheap (well maybe some parts) but it will work on those days when I don't have a choice. The worst part was hauling it because the backseat is designed bad so the thing was hanging out. The second worst is putting the thing together. Fortunately the directions were accurate all except for one screw that didn't fit where they had drilled, I had to find my own screw to use instead.

Now for the other half of the day. While building I got incredibly hungry, so we ate lunch at like 2 something which nullified any later long run chances. So I was left with the treadmill. Oh how I did not want to run 14 miles on it. So begins the saga of the 14 mile sweat till you die episode. The treadmill is quite loud. So loud in fact I had to turn my computer all the way to max just to hear the movie I planned to watch. So tv blaring and footsteps trodding I started the run. At 5 miles the sweat started to pour and I honestly wanted to get off that thing ASAP. But I pressed on. Stopped once for a towel/water while jogging, then back on again. The miles crawled by .1..2 .3,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8,.9, whooo 6 miles. Oh crap 10 more. Keep the pace. Still sweating buckets and the towel is already soaked. Window is open, towel falls. Another quick stop and back on, all the while stopping the ipod too.

Towel fell at least 4 or 5 more times. I was getting exhausted. I was drinking water every mile and still thirsty. It was probably 65 degrees or so in the room. This is another factor, I'm used to breathing in cold air. This air was just hot and stuffy. The miles dragged on, I kept pace. The movie went off, I still have 4 miles left. Another stop another movie started and back on. Still sweating, still breathing, still alive. My right toe starts hurting, the bone where the big toe connects to the foot is causing shooting pains. I have noticed this before, but it is usually during the daytime. I keep going. finally hope 2 miles left. I want to quit. It feels like I've been on here forever, and it feels like the half I ran less than a year ago.

So finally I was done. Outside to get fresh cool air. I will never do a long run on the treadmill again.

14(16)miles. treadmill. BF 94

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