morning run
Not an easy run today by any means. Although yesterday was a day off, the legs weren't responding at all. Pace felt weak and breathing erratic. I got plenty of sleep last night, about 12 hours, but because I went to sleep earlier I was woken up many times by dad's alarm clock, cats, and other things. I think a lot of the bad run had to do with just running in the morning. I normally don't, and when I do it's after breakfast, which I didn't eat until after I got back. The wind wasn't too bad and it wasn't super cold, but enough to be sniffling and chugging up the rolling hills.
A few more out and backs. As to Ann's comment about areas I run that is easy to answer. I normally stick to an established route. It seems living in a blocked in subdivision causes you to start enjoying the same route, and that is pretty much what I've done here, although it's twice as long as I'm used to. Today's run is great because it's the same one I ran for my long run. It shows I haven't gone farther from 2 miles from my parents house and still managed a 16 mile run. Basically I use the house as a base point that I run by periodically. This helps me keep track of where I've went and if I need water or get hurt the house is never too far away at any time. I hate giving directions with words so I'll make a map.So this is the normal route that I take starting off to the north. I ended a little early and jogged little over a half mile back home. I haven't ran on any of the other roads due to it either being a main road or fear of dogs. I didn't see the dog a few roads over today so that was nice because I got to run the entire thing. I normally turn around there. There also used to be dogs all over, but apparently they passed away since i last ran *8* years ago. Actually the inclines are nothing compared to the HH in TN. That thing makes these hills feel like I'm going downhill. Honestly they haven't been a challenge at all, but today that didn't hold true. After months of training some runs are difficult. That is a hard thing to swallow, but I'm slowly being reminded that running will never be "easy"; which is fine because although it sucks, I don't ever want it to be.
Tomorrow the long drive home. I may run when I get back, actually I Should run when I get back. Only a few more weeks of base. This is a good week for doubles since no school so I might end up with more mileage than I should, but I think it will be fine. The long run is already coming up again, I'm looking forward to seeing 20 on my ipod... oh yeah, bye bye 2007!
8(8.91)miles. 36 degrees 28 with 12 mph wind. GM 100
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