Saturday, September 20, 2008


Recovery run tonight. I'm not really sure if 6 miles qualifies as recovery, but nonetheless it felt easy. I think I've been doing a good job of taking it easy on my easy days, and that has helped me feel a lot better. Before I was doing doubles, which in itself is fine, but not when you're pushing through both of them. If anything they should have been recovery pace, I'm just now starting to find out how fast (or slow) that is I think. Either way I feel in great shape already, which is good. Well actually i FEEL in great shape, but I know that I'm just scratching the surface.

Tomorrow is long run day. I'm looking forward to it. I think it's 1:40 minutes. It should be easy enough, might even make it a little longer. Oh I changed my average pace from 7:30 to 8. I think I was giving myself a little too much credit before. I'd rather run longer for the same miles anyway. I'm really trying to get the maximum amount of time out there, so I think it's a good idea. So I'll probably make tomorrows run around 104 minutes, so that it's an even 13 miles. I'm going to keep increasing to about 15 miles, then hold that for a few weeks before adding a mile. Rinse and repeat until my hill phase and by then I should be up to 18-19. After that I plan on doing a marathon before the year is out - just as a long run not an actual race. I think that will definitely get me in the right mindset for the winter holidays.

Hill phase is over rather quickly, only 3 weeks there. - although technically I plan on doing some hills before the actual hill phase begins- Then it's all speedwork for a good 2.5 - 3 months. That'll be awesome and all kinds of gains are going to be made there. Basically I'll be running mile repeats (with rest) at 5:30-6:00 pace. So yeah that WILL be awesome.

6:58pm, home, 73 degrees cool
48:35, bf 476

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