Saturday, January 19, 2008


Finally got out to the complex again. It seems like forever since I've run there because I've been doing all my runs after school at home. Well since the old shoes are retired I decided to break in the zooms a little more. Right away I noticed a difference in feel and each step seemed to just bounce right off the pavement. This was good. I worked on my turnover and keeping my head up again. I wanted to go for 5 and then maybe 5 on the treadmill later. Today was supposed to be a split run, but got oil changes this morning then took a nap, so it didn't happen.

At 5 I was ready to stop. It seemed far enough and I felt like I was going at a good pace. A quick glance at 3 miles said 21 something so I knew if I ran the rest on the treadmill I would be fine pace wise. But things were going well and I was maintaining so I kept going on to 6.5. Everytime I met the larger hill I worked on quicker turnover and gliding up it. It worked and I saved a lot of energy for the rest of the mile. I kept that up, working on being consistent like yesterday and controlling my core. At 7.5 I knew I could stop, but I figured I'd went that far so I might as well finish up (which was my subconscious goal when I left the house). I love how I trick myself into these things. So I finished the last few miles around in the same fashion and felt really good. The wind was killer on one stretch, and the other stretch was blocked by a small hill so it felt warm and fuzzy over there. I think that kept me going since it was just after the wind stretch/large incline.

A short cooldown there, then at home on the treadmill. Left knee was a little cranky about it, but I've had that before and it goes away rather quickly. Tomorrow is basketball. I should be fine since I got the workout in last week. I don't think the soreness will be nearly as bad, but it did take ALL WEEK to work all that lactose out of my muscles. I'm not looking forward to that. A BIG surprise when I saw 7:06, but I attribute it to not having to turn around 10 times per mile like I do at home and the fact I wasn't sore and I was in a "new" area so motivation was a little higher. Alright I'm out.

11(11.77)miles. 30-27 degrees. Zoom 17

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