Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Kinda felt a little tired today. It might just be the cold weather, although it felt warmer today- more sun I think. The run went pretty good. I went counter-clock for the first 3 laps and it was difficult getting up the hill those 3 times. I could already feel the quads getting tired. So I switched directions and did 5 or 6 the opposite way. I wore different shoes tonight so that made the run feel a little different. I was really getting used to the free's, but after the run was over I noticed that my shoes felt light again. The run was going fine and it was time to turn it around for the hills. So I did the first one and it felt pretty good and I figured that would be it for today. I realized that I would have to go up the big hill again now that I was turned around counter-clock, but it turned out I was just short of it when I finally made it around. Like I said I wasn't feeling it on this run, for the weather or whatever reason, but I made a deal with myself. I would skip the strides if I ran on up and did one more strong/fast hill run. So I did it.

Not real sure why no motivation today. The miles might be getting to me, or the fact that I've run the same courses a billion times. Either way I have nothing to complain about really. Looking forward to an easy day tomorrow and I think I'll bring along the heart monitor for a ride. Thursday it might be warmed back up slightly, either way I think it's time to head to the track for my 800/400 heart rate test. I never did get around to doing that, and I'll have two days to recover before my long run. The long run should be real easy this weekend (if a long run can be) since I just did that distance last weekend.

4:07pm. soccer complex
1:38:00, gm 480

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