Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Great run today. There was an eerie mist/fog which was kind of cool to run through. My calves were extremely tight from the two days off, especially the left one. After about a half-hour they finally loosened up. Ran with no music today. I like doing that, but this time I had to turn the volume down. The problem with that is you can't hear updates, so if you accidentally pause or your sensor loses signal or something like that you have no idea. So you could run for a long while before noticing anything and losing those miles. It's happened before. I just kept checking every so often and no problems today. I really did feel great though after I got going. I kind of wanted to keep running, but I figured I wouldn't push it too much since I was working out the rust.

4pm. home. 45 degrees foggy.
1:30:00, bf 1106

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